Degree Program Graduates December 2019

by Michael MacNeill | December 11, 2019
Big warm winter hugs to all of our December 2019 Degree Program graduates who completed their programs this term. You have rocked, aced it, and wooed our instructors with your creative work. Now it’s time to graduate. On behalf of Sessions College, we congratulate you all and wish you every success in your creative career endeavors!
“What we learn with pleasure we never forget.” – ALFRED MERCIER
Associate Degree in Graphic Design
- DixieAnn Brereton
- Jaclyn Borchardt
Associate Degree in Illustration
- Cody Slaughter
- Marissa Leonetti
- Robin Imse
Associate Degree in Digital Media
- Dominick Andreacchio
Undergraduate Certificate in Graphic Design
- Bridget McCleary
- Derek Nimrichter
- Lynne Adams
- Shawn Osteen
Undergraduate Certificate in Illustration
- Christie Harris
- Mariah Holman
- Rose Lauer
Undergraduate Certificate in Digital Media
- Kari Zargo
- Thomas Andrews
Undergraduate Certificate in Print Design
- Erin Centi

Michael MacNeill is the Associate Director of Student Services at Sessions College. Mike has worked as a photography editor and retoucher and a freelance graphic designer. Read more articles by Michael.