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National Voter Registration Day: Sept 17, 2024

Sessions Staff

by Sessions Staff | September 17, 2024

Did you know that today, Sept 17, 2024, is National Voter Registration Day?

On Tuesday, November 5th, 2024, the United States general election will decide our next President and the composition of the Senate and the House of Representatives.

As an institution of higher education, Sessions College is required to make sure all enrolled students have information on their options for voter registration. Registering to vote — and then actually voting!— is an important civic responsibility for anyone who is eligible to vote.

Democracy begins with registering to vote, and Sessions College encourages all students who are United States citizens of voting age to exercise their right to vote.

Here are the important steps:

  1. Find out the options and requirements in your state for voting by mail / voting in-person.
  2. Make sure you are registered to vote.
  3. Keep general track of any deadlines if voting by mail.
  4. Have a plan for how and when you vote, whether it’s by mail or getting to the polls on Nov 5th.

We encourage all United States based students who are eligible to exercise their right to vote! Use the National Voter Registration Day website to locate relevant information for voting in your state.

Sessions Staff is a restless soul who loves to share relevant news and design industry information with current and prospective students. Read more articles by Sessions Staff.

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