November 2019 Certificate Graduations

by Michael MacNeill | December 10, 2019
The holidays are almost upon us, so we offer our warmest wishes to our November Vocational Certificate program graduates. We at Sessions College salute you – congratulations on completing your programs, and much joy and success in your creative endeavors ahead!
“You get in life what you have the courage to ask for.” — Oprah Winfrey
- Julie Belmonte, Professional Certificate in Digital Arts
- Veronica Carlini, Professional Certificate in Digital Arts
- Susan Franco, Professional Certificate in Graphic Design
- Brooke Hoffman, Professional Certificate in Graphic Design
- Michelle Johnson, Professional Certificate in Graphic Design
- Rosalinda Martina, Certificate in Fine Arts
- Angel Ramos, Professional Certificate in Multimedia Arts
- Alexandra Rice, Professional Certificate in Web Design
- Elisa Santana, Professional Certificate in Web Design
- Samantha Shepherd, Professional Certificate in Marketing Design
- Olivia Swindler, Professional Certificate in Graphic Design
Visit for more information on Vocational Certificate Programs at Sessions College. Make sure you request our latest catalog and check out Vocational Program Admissions.

Michael MacNeill is the Associate Director of Student Services at Sessions College. Mike has worked as a photography editor and retoucher and a freelance graphic designer. Read more articles by Michael.