Sara Wade
Digital Media FacultySara Wade is a motion designer, animator, illustrator, and educator who has worked for clients across the globe for over two decades. She is particularly fond of work that straddles the divide between the visual and the technical like drone shows, digital dome shows, and other non-traditional animated experiences. She has developed curriculum, created courses and taught for universities and schools for over 15 years.
Degree(s) earned:
- MFA in Interactive Design & Game Development, Savannah College of Art & Design
- MS in Computer Information Systems from Colorado State University
- B.Arch in Architecture, Carnegie Mellon University
Currently Teaching:
Digital Media
DIG 204: Digital Video Production
Next Start:
April 28
Digital Media
DIG 208: After Effects I
Next Start:
April 28
Digital Media
DIG 212: After Effects II
Next Start:
April 28
Digital Media
DIG 260: Digital Media Capstone and Portfolio Review
Next Start:
April 28