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Free Font Friday: Liquido

Margaret Penney
Margaret Penney
New media artist, creative director
April 21, 2017

Our Free Font Friday series profiles the design characteristics of today’s free downloadable typefaces.

I must say, I am a fan of the wavy and warped type trend seen in poster and editorial design at the moment. Now, designer Alessandro Comotti has made Liquido, a fabulous free font that has all the qualities of this wonderfully weird visual style.

Free Font Friday: Liquido

Liquido has two styles, Regular and Fluid. Regular holds its own as a font in its own right. The letters are tall, condensed and bold with rounded corners. The regular version is kind of like a ’90s futuristic font meets Art Deco’, which is really quite fresh!

Liquido Fluid Liquido Fluid M.C. Escher

Liquido Fluid is the wavy version. What works about this version is that the fluid quality is not overdone, the letters have only one wave each, which implies the liquid feel without making the letters appear too out of proportion and distorted.

Liquido Fluid 2

The designs of both versions of Liquido are artful and inspired. The typeface is free for personal use and a commercial version can be purchased from Comotti’s Behance page.

You can download the font for free here.

Margaret Penney is an experienced Brand Designer and Art Director as well as a teacher, designer, writer, and new media artist and Founder and Principal Designer of The Design Craft and 9& Studio.Read more articles by Margaret.


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